“Will Power is for Losers”

You don’t have to resist eating those cookies if you simply toss them away.
Redesign your environment to reduce the amount of will power that you have to expend in order to achieve your goals.

Joseph Everett has visited this idea a few years ago, and now he’s back with more about it.

The basic takeaway is something like: you don’t have to resist eating those cookies if you simply toss them away.

In other words, redesign your environment to reduce the amount of will power that you have to expend in order to achieve your goals.

Will power, after all, is a limited resource, and the more you spend the more you run the risk of not having enough of it later in the day.

The link to the article with audio narration: https://josepheverettwil.substack.com/p/willpower-is-for-unproductive-losers.
The link to the video on YouTube: https://youtu.be/k2Wcu6aGyz8,
and a short version (for the impatient): https://youtu.be/yZtzc3Fbr18

Saying that “will power is for losers” sounds a bit unjust without knowing the full intended heading: You cannot win (achieve your goals) if you just depend on your will power to go through the infinite attractions and distractions that you face daily.